Antifungal nail Polish

Literally, every time in your life have encountered a problem, as the mycosis of the nails, which are infectious in nature and can affect both men and women no matter the age.

The finger nail affected by the fungus

Currently, there are about 50 species of fungi that cause pathological changes in the surface of the nail, the change of the structure of the nail, or its color. According to medical terminology, disease fungicide called onychomycosis, is often cause aesthetic concerns. In stages is not running the treatment, you can resort to treatment with the help of a special varnish against the fungus.

Pick up is ideal for you varnish against fungus is not so easy. The disease is multidimensional and even the causes of the fungus may vary.

The infection nail plate may occur:

  1. on the beach (through the sand);
  2. in the bathroom (through carpets, towels and other accessories);
  3. in the basin;
  4. the public baths and sauna;
  5. if it is used, not processed, nail and pedicure tools;
  6. in Shoe stores in the process of testing.

The infection of a healthy person can occur, and with the help of a contact in the home, that is to say, the infection is transmitted by the breach of the rules of personal hygiene. Diseases caused by fungi quite quickly are transmitted among family members through the objects of daily household items.

The cause of the infection by the fungus

Fungal infections are transmitted precisely in the common areas, where each one is, but of the pathogens affect only the person who has a certain predisposition to onychomycosis.

The itching

The main causesthat favor the development and spread of fungal diseases in nails of hands and feet, distinguishing them are:

The reason Description
Age group. According to the statistics, often vulnerable to the infection are people in age from 18 to 55 years. Children rarely suffer from onychomycosis. This is because with age, significantly decreases the speed of regrowth of the nail surface, and decreases the ph of the skin.
Drugs. People who take corticosteroids, antibiotics, cytostatic drugs more vulnerable to infection by the fungus.
The of the profession. Pathological fungal changes nail plates can occur and workers, which are often found in areas of high temperature, high humidity or frequent ionizing radiation (laundry, the mine, sanatoriums, hospitals).
The structure of the foot. High risk of infection by pathogenic microorganisms appear in those people who have a poor structure of the foot, namely: feet flat, or intervals narrow between the fingers.
Of the disease. Many diseases can weaken considerably the immunity and increase the likelihood of a fungal infection. Such diseases lead to diabetes mellitus, being overweight, heart disease, varicose veins, blood diseases, psoriasis, lymphedema, or even the general weakness of the body.
Features of the sweating. The number of fungi may grow, and in the warm humid environment that is created when it is used of poor quality and narrow shoes, ill let pass the air. Acquire consultation of quality and leather of the shoes.

When you apply the varnish of fungi

In the first time, when infection occurred, the symptoms are hidden from the nature.

The duration of an incubation period is between two weeks and two months, depending on the type of disease.

Only after this you can observe the first symptoms such as:

  1. free itching in the fingers;
  2. the exfoliation of the nail surface;
  3. the removal of the cuticle;
  4. you lose the normal color of the nail (tone changes to gray, white, brown, black, yellow or even green);
  5. pain clicking in the nail plate;
  6. uneven the edge of the nail;
  7. thinning or thickening of the nail;
  8. the inability of the plate increase to the nail bed;
  9. the surface of the nail becomes pale and opaque.
The varnish of nail fungus

A fungus can be cured with the varnish

The fungal infection is dangerous the fact that she has several forms of evolution of the disease, which they spend hidden.

In this period occurs the accumulation of the bacteria in the body, and other dangerous substances, which have a negative impact not only on the health of the nails, but also in the skin.

There are three main groups of fungi that affect the nails, namely:

Type of fungus Description
Dermatomitsety The source of infection may serve both for people and animals. Sometimes, organisms may fall into the fingers of the hands or of the feet after contact with the soil, inhabiting pathogenic fungi for quite a long period of time.
Fungi Diagnose the infection by these organisms is quite challenging, since the typical symptoms do not manifest. To identify the fungus is possible with the aid of the bacteriological analysis. Often surprised precisely nail the board into the legs.
The yeast fungi of the species candida. Surprise nail the plate to the weakened immunity. As the evolution of the disease, exfoliates the surface of the film of the surface of the nail, so that the disk loses the shine. Often surprised precisely nail plate on the hands.

According to the medical statistics, about 90% of cases of fungal diseases is linked with dermatomyces, and only 10% of cases of diseases of the nail-causing the yeast fungi and 10% of fungi. In addition to the above types of fungi, the person can get a combination of several types of excitation. In this situation, it is difficult to diagnose the type of fungus and efficient means of allocating the treatment.

The varnish of nail fungus

The varnish

One of the methods of treatment of diseases of fungal nail plates is the use of lacquers, which are applied only in the case that the microorganisms were defeated and not more than 60% of the surface of the nail.

Medicinal lucky well are blocked and do not cause discomfort compared to anti-fungal drugs creams and gels.

After the varnish is on the surface of the nail, components penetrate more in the nail and nullifies the access of oxygen to the disputes chamber of the fungi. Because, literally, through two day after the application of nail fungi, disease-causing microorganisms begin to die.

It is recommended to apply the therapy of the varnish beneath the aesthetic. An excellent option will be a complete failure at some point in the affected coverage of the nail platinum artificial coating of lacquer, gel, hair spray, gel, or acre).

Indications and contraindications

The therapy of the enamel against nail fungus is shown to those who:

  • the defeat no more than three of the nails;
  • matrix is not surprised by the fungus;
  • it has been identified only in the surface of the form of the mycosis;
  • there are contraindications to the application of the system of medicines.

Some varnishes are not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding, as well as children up to 4 years of age.

The dermatologists and estheticians do not encourage or condone the use of varnish, for those, that may occur intolerance of individual components therapeutic.

When not of the correct technology to apply the glaze may experience side effects such as allergic reactions (itching or hives). It is not advised to apply two types of varnish of nail fungus at the same time in the same nail plate.

The process of preparation of the nail and applying nail

Before you apply the therapy of a varnish on the surface of the nail, it is necessary to prepare the affected area.

  1. To do this, it is advisable to wash the hands or feet economic soap or another antibacterial of the tool.
  2. The surface of the nail plate degreased tool that should be included with the treatment with varnish or you can use diluted in alcohol (iodine).
  3. The feet or hands, and fingernails dry, after which it is recommended to gently sand away the surface of the nail file and reduce the length of the nail.
  4. The varnish is applied a thin layer with the frequency that is indicated in the instructions for use.
  5. Only after it is completely dry therapeutic you can wear the clothes, the footwear, or to proceed to the daily routine of affairs.
  6. At the end of the procedure, manicure or pedicure set is well tilled, in order to avoid re-infection.

The comparison of the varnishes of nail fungus

It is not advisable to self-diagnose the disease, a fungicide, and even more so without designating a qualified professional to use the different therapeutic means.

The varnish in the nail

As soon as you detect signs of onychomycosis, it is mandatory to call the doctor, and only after the diagnosis to carry out an effective treatment.

Today there are a large number of coatings against fungi, which not only destroy the microorganisms that cause diseases, but rather to actively contribute to the recovery of the surface of the nail and to a prompt recovery of the affected area.

Preventive measures

A large number of drugs actively are not only used for the treatment of fungal diseases, but also for the prevention of injuries in the case of people who are at risk for these diseases.

Keep in mind that virtually all the anti-fungal lacquers contain a large amount of toxins, therefore, before the start of the prevention measures it is advisable to examine in detail the statement and the composition of the tool.

In a preventive way, it is recommended that:

  • the use of shoes on the beach, in the pool, the sauna or the steam bath (preferably closed and rubber);.
  • use cotton boots it is advisable to change every day.
  • do not use your shoes;.
  • after the shower and the bathroom of the procedures, it is worth carefully dry the feet and the hands.
  • keep feet and hands dry.

Today, anti-fungal lucky they have acquired great popularity and has received many positive comments, such as the physicians and people that have used them.

Before you apply one or the other varnish, it is advisable to visit a doctor to determine exactly what type of fungus it needs to be cured.

It is recommended to remember that the causal agents of diseases of fungi are quite resistant to external factors, so it is advisable not to neglect the substances disinfectants.